What are your thoughts on residential solar partnered with energy storage (aka extra large battery pack in the garage) to carry the household throughout the day, into the night during peak demand? Is energy storage a solution to the duck curve or has that technology not progressed enough yet? Would it make residential solar as efficient / cost effective as the utility providing clean energy?
Think behind the meter storage is a great idea! Both from a grid stability / demand response standpoint and an individual consumer perspective. If I lived in CA with increasing risk of wildfires, I'd love to know that I can make it 8+ hours without access to the grid.
My point about resi solar is not that it's a bad idea, but from a $/kWh installed perspective it makes more sense to leverage scale to lower costs through utility installations
So.... it doesn't make it any more cost effective, but that doesn't mean it's not a good idea. Just can't beat the benefits of scale that a utility gets on a $/kWh basis... but from a timing / climate perspective the sooner the better!!
What are your thoughts on residential solar partnered with energy storage (aka extra large battery pack in the garage) to carry the household throughout the day, into the night during peak demand? Is energy storage a solution to the duck curve or has that technology not progressed enough yet? Would it make residential solar as efficient / cost effective as the utility providing clean energy?
Think behind the meter storage is a great idea! Both from a grid stability / demand response standpoint and an individual consumer perspective. If I lived in CA with increasing risk of wildfires, I'd love to know that I can make it 8+ hours without access to the grid.
My point about resi solar is not that it's a bad idea, but from a $/kWh installed perspective it makes more sense to leverage scale to lower costs through utility installations
Source: Residential solar is about 2-3x as expensive installed cost as utility or commercial, https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy19osti/72399.pdf, NREL
So.... it doesn't make it any more cost effective, but that doesn't mean it's not a good idea. Just can't beat the benefits of scale that a utility gets on a $/kWh basis... but from a timing / climate perspective the sooner the better!!
To have a future we all desire it takes education and self awareness. Thank you Keeton for putting us on the right path!